Special Issues

Propose a special issue

The special issues (SI) proposal is an editorial strategy implemented by DecisionTech Review to generate discussions on emerging and relevant topics that require deepening and consolidation.

The SI proposals are open the whole year, and there are no restrictions regarding the geographic coverage of the topics. The journal's editorial committee rigorously assesses each proposal. To consider the acceptance of SI, we emphasize the novelty, relevance, social and disciplinary impact of the proposed subject and the academic and research trajectory of the prospective Guest Editors.

SI proposals derived from events are also accepted, but an active website is necessary. In this case, the organizing committee must verify that the publication in the journal does not interfere with the previous or future publication of the conference proceeding (if applicable). For this purpose, the articles must have 30% new content compared to the version presented at the event and a different title. We verify this aspect by Crossref's SimilarityCheck service to identify all content similarities.

To propose a SI, please fill out this form, and send it to editorial@pro-metrics.org. We encourage prospective Guest Editors to read the Publication Ethics Guidelines for Editors, the scope of the journal, and editorial guidelines.

If you want more details not covered above, please contact us.